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C/. Torero Francisco Romero, 1

29400 - RONDA.




Latitud 36.752331º N

Longitud -5.147761 O



Very close to the building of the Courts, Local Police and Fire.

About Ronda.

     Ronda is a Spanish city belonging to the autonomous community of Andalusia, located about 100 kilometers northwest of the city of Malaga. It is the capital of the region of the Serrania de Ronda.

     Its municipal term extends on a plateau known as the depression of Ronda and the mountain ranges that surround it. Ronda has its origin in the Roman Arunda that would be constituted from existing Iberian settlements. The Visigoths continued until the arrival of the Muslims, who consolidated their role as county seat and its urban entity. Its location facilitated the defense of the city and put it in a strategic situation to master the steps and roads to Baja Andalucía. This and the availability of land suitable for agriculture finally gave it a remarkable historical importance.

     The city is based on a plateau cut by a deep cut excavated by the Guadalevín River, to which the buildings of its historical center appear, which gives the city a picturesque panorama that, together with the variety of monuments that it possesses, to its natural environment and its proximity to the great centers of mass tourism of the Costa del Sol, has made Ronda a remarkable tourist center.


The Corniche del Tajo and the Bridge that saves it are the quintessential image of the city


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