All persons who enter and make use of the City of Ronda Overnight Area, have the obligation to comply with the provisions of this Regulation and the current legislation that regulates tourist camping, according to Decree 26/2018, of January 23, of management of the tourism camps of the Junta de Andalucía.
From 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. This timetable can be changed depending on the season, indicating it at the Reception door.
To stay in the Area it is MANDATORY to present the corresponding National Identity Document or Passport at Reception.
MOTORHOMES. It will be parked in the plot indicated at the Reception.
CARAVAN. The entrance of caravans will be carried out during Reception opening hours, locating it in the plot indicated by the Reception staff. Once the caravan has been placed and stabilized, the towing vehicle must be removed from the facilities, for this it must go through Reception where the check-in will be carried out and a card will be given to you to leave and be able to enter with the vehicle at the end of the stay. . The amount of the stay will be paid on delivery of said card.
TRAILERS. For the optimal organization of our space, please follow these instructions in case of accessing our facility with trailers.
• If the entire set consisting of a motorhome and a trailer fits on the assigned plot, the amount corresponding to the current rate for a single plot will be paid.
• In the event that it is not possible for the entire set to enter the plot, the trailer will have to be unhooked and parked in the place designated for that purpose, paying the extra amount at the time of check-in according to the current rate.
• In the event that it is not possible for the whole group to enter the plot and you wish to have the trailer next to the motorhome on an adjacent plot, the full amount of said plot must be paid at the same time as check-in.
OTHER VEHICLES. In case of accessing our facilities with an extra vehicle, you must proceed:
• If the vehicle comes independently. You must proceed as in the case of CARAVAN.
• If the vehicle comes on a vehicle carrier. You must proceed as in the case of TRAILERS and CARAVANS.
From 3:00 p.m. at 5:00 p.m. During these hours, the client will avoid all kinds of noise, regulating the sound devices (including generators) so that they do not cause inconvenience to the neighbors.
From 11:00 p.m. at 07:00 a.m. During these hours the silence will intensify, prohibited the circulation of vehicles inside the enclosure.
Inside the Area, vehicles will limit their speed to 10km/h. Inside the enclosure, the use of the vehicle of all kinds will be limited to the access and exit of the clients, avoiding consequently, the sports or leisure use of those, especially in what refers to motorcycles.
The circulation of vehicles is prohibited during the hours of night silence. In addition, the circulation of vehicles after 11:00 p.m. is strictly prohibited. until 8:00 a.m. If you return to the Area during this time, you must leave the vehicle parked in the parking area outside the Area.
Obligation of the campers:
Respect the plants and facilities with the proper use of them.
Observe the elementary rules of coexistence, morality, decency and public order.
Communicate to the management of the Area the cases of febrile or contagious illness of which they are aware.
Collect garbage and waste of all kinds in plastic bags that will be deposited, properly closed, in the recycling containers located at the entrance of the Area.
Keep the volume of radios and televisions moderate so that it does not disturb the neighbors.
Keep pets on a leash. Pick up the excrement of your pets, including the stools made in the Dog Park.
Users of this area are prohibited from:
Smoking inside the common areas.
Customers will observe the parking prohibitions and avoid parking in areas that hinder the circulation and access of vehicles and people. Vehicles must park within the boundaries of the assigned lot. In the event that you park it in another plot, you must pay the rate of the extra plot that you are occupying.
Disturb the rest of the other campers during the indicated hours.
Play games or sports that may disturb other campers.
Barbecues, light a charcoal or wood fire.
Abandon garbage waste outside the containers intended for it.
Introduce people not housed in the facilities into the Area, without the prior authorization of the Area management.
Hanging clothes in unauthorized places. It is forbidden to install strings between trees, lampposts and other elements of the Area.
Perform any kind of acts that may harm the property, hygiene and appearance of the Area.
It is strictly forbidden to prune, cut or attack the plants and trees in the Area. Ropes cannot be tied to trees.
The installation of advances or curtains in all plots is prohibited.
The installation by clients of elements that do not correspond to those of temporary, proper and habitual use of the stay in the tourism camps (Decree 26/2018) and/or harm the tourist image of the establishment is expressly prohibited. Specifically, fences, sinks, electrical appliances, generators and any other element that by its fixation conveys an image of permanence in the Area may not be installed on the plots, constituting its installation by the client as sufficient cause for the termination of the accommodation contract, anyone who whatever its modality, without the right to any compensation.
The camper who contravenes any of these prohibitions, does not comply with the instructions of the Area management, fails to comply with the basic rules of education and social coexistence and, in general, does not respect all the principles of civilized life, WILL BE INVITED TO LEAVE THE GROUND , and if he does not do it peacefully, he may be EXPELLED from the Area by the management. All this without prejudice to pecuniary actions and of all kinds that could be imposed by the competent authority.
Assuming that the Area complies with what the current regulations on the matter require regarding childcare and surveillance, the company is not responsible for any damage that may occur as a result of actions caused by the campers themselves, or atmospheric incidents and natural disasters. .
Official claim forms are available at the Area Reception.